The Columbia Gorge, just east of Portland, Oregon, is known for its beauty. You can't go wrong with a winding river through a lush green [...]
The Columbia Gorge, just east of Portland, Oregon, is known for its beauty. You can't go wrong with a winding river through a lush green [...]
As you most probably know, Iceland has many waterfalls (margir fossar in Icelandic), as much as 10,000. During our last visit we photographed quite a [...]
Bruarfoss is a beautiful waterfall we have been itching to see and photograph. It is part of the Brúará river, which is composed of meltwater [...]
Three spectacular waterfalls shot from the slippery edge. I am fortunate to be able to re-visit one of Iceland’s classic waterfalls, Dettifoss. [See previous post, [...]
Godafoss (in Icelandic it means "Waterfall of the Gods") is one of the top tourist attractions in Iceland. We visited it last year with poor [...]
It rains a lot in Iceland. It rained the day we arrived. It rained the next morning too. This was starting to put a damper [...]
One of the things Iceland is known for is it's many waterfalls ("foss" is waterfall in Icelandic). They are so plentiful, it seems as though [...]
The Stormy Side It was a beautiful sunny day as we drove from the North Rim towards Bryce. Picture perfect puffy clouds dotted the sky, [...]
New York does a lot of things right - bagels, pizza, and of course, the Yankees. But would you believe they also do a pretty [...]
Hi everyone, today is the first day of our vacation and trek through Northern AZ, Utah, and NV. Our first stop was to visit the [...]