Hi everyone, today is the first day of our vacation and trek through Northern AZ, Utah, and NV. Our first stop was to visit the “Chocolate Falls” in Grand Falls, AZ (population as close to 0 as you can get without actually being 0). Grand Falls is about 50 miles outside of Flagstaff which included an 8 mile ride on a dirt road followed by a short, up and down, sandy hike.
We heard of this waterfall which looks like chocolate (actually mud) last year. Since then, it has been on our shoot list. However, the only time to visit is in the early spring since the water dries up in the summer. At the time of our shooting, the falls are at about 50% water volume. Still pretty impressive.
After a couple of hours of enjoying the scenery, we are off to Page, AZ.
Enjoy the first “picture of the day.”

Photo Stats: D800, F29, ISO 100, 8 stop Neutral Density Filter and Polarizing Filter (to get the silky water affect)
And, if a picture just doesn’t cut it:
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