2013-03-16 Lost Dog Trail-060

It is now getting very warm in Scottsdale.  In a desert you would expect cacti and dirt.

We have a lot of that here.  But this year is a bit different.  With plenty of rain through the winter, and with warmth this late winter, the wildflowers become abundant. We are taking it as our mission to find as many as possible.  Today: In search of poppies.

We went on a brief hike (OK, walk) at the Lost Dog

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Trail searching for wildflowers.  And, to our joy, we found poppies.  Many, many yellow poppies.  Whether looked at from a distance (bottom), mid-range (right) or up close (below), they were spectacular.  Enjoy the photos.

2013-03-16 Lost Dog Trail-054

Tomorrow we are off to see the Joshua trees as they are now blooming.  Happy shooting!​